Provost’s Conversations on Online Learning
The Provost’s Conversation on Online Learning (PCoOL) features public talks by leading experts and peers on the future of education, specifically around online education. PCoOL events are free and open to members of Columbia community with a valid University ID. Listed below are all the previous PCoOL talks held at Columbia University.
A Conversation with Boon Thau Loo: A Six-Year Journey in Online Education–Insights from Penn Engineering Online
On January 30, 2025, Professor Boon Thau Loo joined us to discuss the story behind the University of Pennsylvania’s transformative online learning initiatives.
A Conversation with Google’s Jeff Rubenstein: Thinking About the Value of AI in Higher Education
On March 14, 2024, Jeff Rubenstein, Education Cloud Product Manager at Google, joined us to discuss the ways in which AI can transform and bring value to education.
A Conversation with Joel Podolny: From Improving Content to Improving Engagement—20 Years of Lessons Learned
On April 6, 2023 Joel Podolny shared his past experiences as Dean of the Yale School of Management and Dean of Apple University and how they helped shape the vision for the digital platform of the company that he leads today, Honor Education.
Key Trends Shaping Higher Ed: A Conversation with Todd Zipper
On November 15th, President of Wiley Education Services Todd Zipper discussed five trends in higher education to study and adapt during this pivotal time for universities, including education as a benefit, alternative educational institutions, and the rise of the mega-nonprofit.
Innovative Online Education for All: A Conversation with Purdue University Global
On January 7th 2021, the Chancellor and the Provost of Purdue University Global joined us via videoconference to discuss how they are building and providing greater access to affordable, high-quality, world-class online education.
Online Education in the New Normal with Anant Agarwal, edX CEO
On April 28, 2020, edX CEO and MIT Professor, Anant Agarwal, reflected on online education in the new normal of COVID-19. He discussed what has already changed and what will change in the coming months, and shared insights around how this both impacts and expedites his vision for the future of modular education.
Addressing the Skills Shortage at Scale
On January 31st, Pierre Dubuc, co-founder and CEO of OpenClassrooms, discussed OpenClassroom’s mission to make quality education and career advancement more accessible and affordable.
2U and the Future of Online Education
On October 17th, 2019, Chip Paucek, co-founder and CEO of 2U, Inc., discussed 2U’s vision for online education and the future of higher education, as part of the Provost’s Conversations on Online Learning series.
Online Learning Initiatives at UPenn
On February 26th, 2019, Nora Lewis, Vice Dean for Professional and Liberal Education at the University of Pennsylvania, led a conversation on online learning initiatives at UPenn, including an overview of their fully online Bachelor's program.
Beyond the Campus Walls
On Wednesday, October 3, 2018, Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO of Coursera, visited Columbia University to discuss his company’s role in the future of learning. He shared Coursera’s strategy of partnering with top universities, such as Columbia, to provide universal access to...
Online Learning with Small Private Online Courses
On Thursday, April 12, 2018, Ashwin Damera, Executive Director of the Emeritus Institute of Management visited Columbia University to give a presentation as part of the Provost’s Conversation on Online Learning (PCoOL) and shared on how his company is using and...
The Land-Grant Mission in an Online World
On Wednesday, November 8, 2017, guests from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Professor John Hart and Assistant Provost Adam Fein visited Columbia to give a presentation as part of the Provost’s Conversation on Online Learning (PCoOL) and shared...