The Land-Grant Mission in an Online World
Wednesday, November 8
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Schapiro CEPSR
Davis Auditorium
Please note that Columbia University and its representatives photograph, film, and live broadcast events belonging to the Provost’s Conversations on Online Learning series. By registering for and attending this event, which belongs to the aforementioned series, you understand and agree that you may be photographed or filmed, and that your likeness or image (collectively, “image”) may be broadcasted. You grant Columbia University the right to use in perpetuity and without limitation your image as it appears in the finished photographs, videos, and broadcast recordings deriving from this event. You agree to waive, release, and forever discharge Columbia University and its representatives from any and all claims or actions arising out of or resulting from any use of your image. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please unregister for this event.